Monday, July 12, 2004

Our last tour of Christchurch. We were late! The bus to the city was late 15 minutes. We were supposed to be at the city 15 minutes before 9 am. But we only managed to be there at 9:05 am. Next thing I knew, we were running like crazy to the place where we should wait for the tour bus. But before that, we have to withdraw some money first to pay the tour. Then, we ran to this bus, where the driver was like saying something to us while were running. That must be the bus, we thought. So, got on the bus feeling really like nak tercabut jantung berlari nyer pasal nih, just to found out that actually we already missed the tour van. But the driver was really kind and called the tour bus driver and yeah, they will come and pick us back. Fiuhh….penat berlari ku terbayar gaks. Penat…memang penat….Adegan kejar mengejar yg hebat…Mynn kejar bas, aku kejar mynn….Rupa-rupanyer terlepas….

Not a few minutes later, the tour van driver came to us. We apologised for our lateness. Thank God that he was cool bout it. So we hopped in the van and met an old couple also from Australia joining us for the tour Christchurch. I’m speechless in the van letting Mynn do all the conversation with the people in there. Seriously I wasn’t feeling that well, rasa nak termuntah pun ader dgn baju yg tebal nak mampu* ni…’s all because of lari-lari tu ….

So the driver brought us around the city, the beautiful Monavale Garden, round around the University of Canterbury and then to suburb called Sumner. We stopped at the Sumner Beach for half an hour for a coffee break. Took some pics there where they have this cool cave rock where you can go to the top and see a very pretty scenery up there. Nice weather that day, it wasn’t as cold as we felt the first time we were there in Christchurch. Then we headed to the Diamond Harbour and stopped for a while at Port of Lyttleton for some nice view from the look-out. We did passed by Mt Pleasant and Heathcote. Fuhh…..We did covered lots of places around Christchurch that day.

The tour ended at lunch time. Did some shoppings then went back. Huh….penat…
At night, went out for dinner at Subway with Yana and Muni. Sanggup diorg ni gi teman kitorg makan sama walaupun esok nyer ader assignments and project kena to be submit. Anyway, had a real good nite out. We went to Pak-n-Save, New Zealand’s largest and cheapest supermarket. Bought some stuffs to make Caramel Pudding.

I fall asleep in front of the TV while waiting for the pudding to be ready. One word to describe the pudding, MANTAP! Waa…cant wait to go home!



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